Dr. iur.
Marc Russenberger
Attorney at Law
+41 44 225 87 82
Legal areas
(International) dispute resolution before state courts
Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law
Enforcement Law
General Contract Law
Curriculum vitae
Since 2023: Partner at Linde Law Ltd.
2013 – 2023: Partner at RKR Attorneys at Law
1994 – 2013: Partner at leading law firms in Zurich
1990 – 1994: Senior Associate at a leading Zurich law firm
1988 – 1989: Article Clerk atan Australian law firm (Melbourne and Sydney)
1988: Admission to the Bar (Zurich)
1987: Graduation as Dr. iur. at University of Zurich
1985 – 1986: Court clerk at the District Court of Zurich
1983 – 1985: Trainee at a Zurich law firm; doctoral thesis "Die Sonderstellung der Schweiz. Kantonalbanken in der Bundesverfassung und im Bankengesetz"
1982: Graduation as lic. iur. at University of Zurich
Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
Grisons Bar Association (BAV)
Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
International Bar Association (section on international litigation / section on international insolvency and restructuring)